3 1/2 years before I again put on female clothes.
Thanks for listening,
Marie 14-K-2FPE
Dear Virginia:
Thank you for accepting me into the "family". It gave me a thrill to see my right name, Arlene, used in your femme-note. I used to try to get my wife to call me Arlene, but she wouldn't.
Soon after we married I began wearing my wife's clothes and she even encouraged me. She would say, "Let's go show Betty", our neice, and naturally I didn't object, in fact I was thrilled to death. It did not take many, "Let's go show Betty's" until we were three happy girls together and it seems to me as I look back that it was almost everyday. It's too bad it couldn't last but my sister in laws husband came home from the service and so did our neices husband and pretty soon something happened.
My sister in law and neice began asking my wife ugly embarrassing questions. My wife and I were shocked and surprised. We had never associated fem- ininity in men with homosexuality. Altho my wife knew it wasn't true, she began to turn against my feminine ways. Then when George changed to Chris- tine there were a lot of other ugly remarks from more men and women and that did it. If I don't wear dres- ses and skirts all the time she tolerates it. She can't see my nylons under my pants and she can't see my long leg panty girdle under my dresses and skirts or pants. So that is all right but bras? Lipstick? NO! She can't tolerate it. It's not what she says. She knows I'll wear what I want to when I want to but what fun is it? So you can understand the position I am in. It's not a happy situation. When I read Vir- ginia's article in Sexology to her, she wouldn't even listen. She said she wasn't interested in men wearing dresses. Public opinion has a lot to do with her at- titude and I'm surprised she has any respect for me